Driving Lessons Part 5

This is turning out to be a lot longer than I thought it would be! Thank you all for reading! Much love. :*

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

On hearing those words, I nodded in acquiescence, now was not the time to argue with Piper. Getting out of the SUV I made my way towards the house. There was a heaviness in my heart as I ascended the steps. I fumbled in my pocket for my set of keys and selected Piper’s house key. I fitted it into the lock and pushed the door open and entered the house.

I loved Piper’s house, for me, it was the epitome of the ‘Deep South’ and reminded me of the old American movies that I used to watch as a child. This was so different to where I grew up as a child in the leafy suburbs of the ‘Home Counties’ of the U.K. Here, I got a sense of freedom, a sense of the individual. The house was splayed out, not hemmed in by other houses competing for space. The covered porch encircled the house, wicker chairs placed in strategic areas so that the inhabitant would always have a good view of the sun rising or setting. It was a tranquil place with flowering dogwood trees dotted around providing shade from the intense Georgia sunlight, and as I let myself into the cool interior of the house, I heard the sound of the cuckoo calling from the trees, it’s harsh tee-oo tee-oo, cry waking me from my thoughts.

I knew exactly where to go for I’d been there many times before. Passing the kitchen and the breakfast nook, I headed along the hallway to the living room. I paused for a few seconds at the entrance, not wanting to cross the threshold. I could see my corner, just to the left of me and that was where Piper expected me to stand. Hands by my sides, nose almost touching the wall, not moving, waiting and thinking.

Hearing Piper closing the front door, I hurried across the room and took up position. Piper would leave me for a good few minutes before coming to me, and I was expected to contemplate what had happened today and the reason why.

So, what had happened and most importantly why had it happened? I knew what had taken place, that was the easy bit, I had driven off leaving Piper stranded with no means of getting home. That was not acceptable, and Piper would probably ensure that sitting down would be an uncomfortable experience over the next day or two.

Why had I done it? If I were true to myself, I knew deep down why. I wanted, no that wasn’t the right word…needed a spanking. I needed to know that someone cared about me. Moving to a new country was difficult, and I hadn’t realized how homesick I was. I had nothing to keep me in the UK, but it had been my home for over thirty years, and there were times when I missed it. Meeting Piper had changed all that. The homesickness receded, and I began to enjoy living in the States. But, every so often that deep longing would return, turning my feelings inside out. That was when I needed Piper Wentworth.


I walked into the living room where Jess had her nose in the corner. I could tell she was trying to stay as still as possible which I knew she found difficult to do, but she was trying, so that is what mattered to me. I watched her for close to ten minutes getting my thoughts together and deciding on what I needed to ask her when the time came.

Part of me wasn’t even sure I needed to spank her right now. I knew that’s what she thought was coming and also expected, but at the same time wasn’t that giving her what she wanted? I let out a slow even breath and called for Jess to come over to me.

I reached out to her and pulling her to stand in front of me in and looked up into her eyes, “What did you think about while in the corner little lady?”

Jess looked everywhere, except for at me, “That I shouldn’t have driven off like that.”

I gave her hands a gentle squeeze before I probed a bit more, “Why shouldn’t you have driven off like that, little lady?”

“Because it was wrong… I wasn’t thinking straight… I’m sorry Piper.”

I knew that this part was actually harder for Jess than even the corner time. She hated the confessing and talking about why she did what she did. That was part of the reason I insisted she always followed through with it. She needed to acknowledge her thoughts and feelings or all of it would be pointless. There were also times when I was unsure. I wanted to know the entire story, especially my brat’s side of it.

“But why was it wrong, Jessica Anne?” I continued to press her.

“Well, I suppose I’m still grounded from driving without supervision.”

“And perhaps, in essence, you stole my car which is also illegal?”

Jess’s eye’s widened and finally met mine, and she tried to pull away from me.

“But…Piper, I swear I didn’t see it like that… I just…. well…..you know….”

Nodding, I reached for Jess again and gently guided her to sit on my lap. I wanted to hold her while we finished talking. And I thought she looked like she needed a hug at this point. I know I did.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close.  “Can you tell me where your mind has been lately?” I asked.

Jess leaned her head on my shoulder, whispering, “I’m just feeling a bit, oh I don’t know, it’s just that I miss home sometimes, that’s all.”

Again, I felt my heart ache for my dear friend. Apparently, I had not been paying close enough attention to how she was doing lately. I mentally kicked myself again in the backside. I had failed her. I hadn’t seen what was going on before we were neck deep in it.

“Oh, little lady. I know you do. You know you can talk to me at any time about what you are feeling right? Isn’t that a better option than what you’ve been doing? Acting out for attention?” I could feel the smaller woman tense in my arms which was answer enough to my question.


I nodded at her and placed a gentle kiss on her temple before I helped her up off my lap and standing her back in front of me, “How do you think we should handle this.”

I could just hear her soft groan before she replied, “Piper! Do I really have to say?”

Involuntarily I felt my right eyebrow raise in a bit of a threat. She knew the answer to that was always yes.

“I probably deserve a spanking, I guess.”

I gave her a reassuring smile and told her, “You do little lady. Let’s get this taken care of. Please go get the paddle with holes in it and bring it to me.”

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